Seeing the Stars Through the Leaves

Like the elements of an unintended chemical reaction, things lately have been building toward an inevitable explosion–or worse, an irreversible meltdown. Between classes, uncertainties, and life changes, “chaos” even seems a kind descriptor of recent events.

Then, between today and yesterday, but mostly today, things were pulled back into perspective and I’ve had the power–the courage perhaps–to do what I haven’t in a long while: Write.

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Awfully Whetted Strife

By nature I’m a very trusting person. By nature I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. By nature I strive to be kind and compassionate, and for the most part, I think I succeed.

So when the knife came out, I never imagined it’d be directed at me.

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Pessimism on a Stick

As forewarning, I’m procrastinating on getting to the meat of this post. I took a look-see last night to start mulling over this next mishneh, and let me tell you, it was not pretty.

It was, no matter, on my mind this morning when I went to Shabbat services, which is the perfect place for this brief distraction to begin. There’s two things, really, that I’d like to mention–although with all the old faces I saw and the intriguing conversations I had this morning well into the afternoon, my inspiration for excursions is certainly not at all on the low-end, if you get what I mean.

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